Huawei P50 pocket is following the Samsung design language.

the new foldable Huawei p50 pocket will be announced on December 23. Huawei furthermore indicate of its design and built material by sharing a picture

Huawei p50 pocket design

Huawei has recently shared a picture of its upcoming flagship smartphone Huawei p50 pocket. According to Huawei, the new foldable Huawei p50 pocket will be announced on December 23. Huawei furthermore indicates its design and build material by sharing a picture on Weibo. Today we're going to discuss more what we've known so far.

Huawei p50 pocket launching idea:

It's been nearly four months since Huawei launched their flagship smartphone Huawei p50 pro in China and instantly Huawei is going to bring a new model from this exact series. To keep pace with the current world, Huawei has to fail a bit where they have a shortage of flip phones or foldable phones.  Due to the huge popularity of the Samsung Galaxy G fold 3 smartphone, starting from the Oppo brand, now Huawei has come up with the idea to build this foldable smartphone and finally they are going to present itself with a new model from this flagship series and that will be Huawei p50 pocket.  One can guess from the name that this smartphone is nothing more than a foldable smartphone.

Huawei mate x2

Huawei unsuccessful attempt at the foldable market by their mate x2 series was tagged by "hotdog". But interestingly Huawei moves forward to following the current market choices of Samsung and Motorola design language and that is why the company manufactures the Huawei p50 pocket in a clamshell design that folds out of the size of a smartphone. Previously Huawei design their Mate X foldable which was folded from the size of a tablet into a smartphone size. But the people don't choose it.

Huawei P50 pocket design:

Huawei p50 pocket launch date

A couple of images have been posted by  Harper's bazaar (the world-renowned fashion magazine) account on Weibo. Which confirm that the Huawei p50 pocket will arrive in two circle camera module. Where one ring will a hold camera sensor and another one will hold a couple of things, these are small screen, Always-on display, notifications and selfies. The always-on display is also an indication that the Huawei p50 pocket could be implemented as an OLED display.

Huawei p50 pocket design

Moreover, the Huawei p50 pocket backside design is truly amazing, it would become a two colours option, these are gold and white. Eventually, the phone has a gradient finishing just like the tiger illustration. Huawei p50 pocket side frame would be built with an aluminium frame which makes a shining and comfortable to hold this phone.

In terms of design, if the phone launches like that photo, then the phone must be premium compared to the rest of the phones in the market. But the company must have more disclosure of the build material than the design of the phone. because Samsung has failed to produce strong build material devices before, which made them be trolled many times on the internet. 

Huawei P50 pocket conclusion:

But sadly, customers outside of China will not be able to buy this phone in December.  If you want to buy, you have to wait a long time.  Also, the global trade war between China and the United States has not ended yet, as a result of which the Huawei P50, which was launched in China 4 months ago, has not yet been officially launched in many countries in Asia.  So it can be said that it will be too late for this phone to come before the customers would choose the current market devices like "OppoFindN" and their Choices.

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My name is Shawon Ahmed. I have founded The Tech Magazine Bangladesh and I am the editor-in-chief. I am passionate about technology, especially smartphones, gadgets, and devices. I love sharing what I know with you and helping you make informed deci…
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